Wednesday, September 30, 2009

This weeks challenge is to blog!

I really have no idea what to blog about not much exciting going
on right now.So I've decided to tell on myself I was a really bad
girl today!I wanted a doughnut sooooooo bad and I ate it!
I feel so guilty I was doing so good and it really wasn't all that
great it was just here and calling my name!LOL

The rest of the day I will be good
Change that the rest of the week I
will be good.I have to be for ME!!!!
So if you actually make through my
rambling and don't fall asleep I thank
you and again thanks so much for the support!

Team Prancer sorry about the doughnut


Anonymous said...

"Team Prancer, sorry about the doughnut"

Totally cracked me up.

One Pretty Little Box said...

Hey Shelly!

First, you didn't let your team down! I can't get it figured out why I keep hearing that around the gagger's blogs.

Mmm doughnuts! They have been on my brain lately too. Must be the weather. And I so get the "guilt" you feel for eating it. I had a meltdown the other day, and a nightmare all about food. I guess I have lots more mental stuff to work through before I can honestly be happy. Makes me wonder if I need to be pushing myself to lose anymore right now, though I know in my heart I am not where i need to be. Endless cycles.

Hadley said...

Ha! There are definitely no apologies needed for the doughnut. I'm kind of glad the challenge is blogging, since it means we get to hear a bit more from our more silent team members. I'm looking forward to hearing more from you Shelly!