Monday, October 12, 2009

Didn't do so well on this challenge!

I did awful on this challenge the part you blog on the rest I did alright.
I kept on meaning to come here and blog but something always came up.
Now I have my 6 year old that has a 100.0 fever and my middle son'
his birthday is tomorrow he will be 10 please pray that my youngest gets better
so we can go ahead with the party.It is also fall break Thursday and Friday so
dh took off those days we are taking a mini vacation we are going camping and then
one day we will go to the zoo in Cincinnati,Ohio and one day to the aquarium in Kentucky so I think as long as everyones healthy will will have a good time.


Christine Jeske said...

I have a sick son here too. Wow, those germs sure do travel!

Good luck on that birthday tomorrow. I hope middle son has a wonderful day.

Heather & Chaos said...

Shelly don't even stress about not blogging. It's not supposed to be stressful just a way to let off stress! I've had a sick child this weekend so I totally understand not being able to get in here to blog. WTG on doing great with all the rest!!! =)