Friday, October 1, 2010

First official GAG weigh in 2010

Okay this is the first official GAG weigh in,And I am gagging!
I weigh 5 more pounds this year then I did when I started last years gag
165 not really happy but going to try really hard to take it down.


Barbie said...

You will get there Shelly. You look great girl.

kim @ a positive peace said...

Whoo! Go us!

Christine Jeske said...

You'll do great! You could have done a lot worse than 5 lbs. That's close to a maintain, chin up!

JourneyBeyondSurvival said...

You are such a sweetheart! We'll get there. It's great you're doing this for yourself.

One Pretty Little Box said...

Shelly, you are gonna rock this challenge! I know you will. I also need to send out a few links for you, if I haven't already. Did I?

Thanks for joining us!

Unknown said...

Hey teammate! I just wanted to send you some good wishes for GAG this week! Here's a quote from George Bernard Shaw: You see things; and you say "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?"

I hope you are having a wonderful day!


Heather & Chaos said...

You and me both Shelly! I weigh more than last year too. Ugh! Let's go! I'm glad your on my team this year! Let's get back down and do this!