Monday, March 3, 2008

My first Blog

Okay I really have no clue of what I am doing but I really wanted to start a blog!
So here it is.
I am a member on OCP and they are having a blog challenge they started earlier
but I am going to start with challenge #4

Topic: Encouragment
As Christian women/men we often find ourselves discouraged because we have lack of support or even understanding on things we face. Society as a whole doesn't always see things the way we do. So, when you are down or just need a pick me up, WHO or WHERE can you go where you know that you will ALWAYS find the encouragment you need?

Honestly church is where I find the most encouragement. I really don't have any real life friends.But I do feel like I have a lot of online friends and I thank you all so much for that.
The next place I feel encouragement is from OCP friends and WLFJ friends.

Well this was my first blog ever I hope I didn't bore you to bad.

Love to you all and I hope you have a blessed day


Jackie said...

I really enjoyed reading your response to the blog challenge, it was short and sweet :) I hope you see some more in the weeks to come. God Bless!

Jackie from OCP

Unknown said...

So glad you joined the challenge!!! You did GREAT!!

Jodi said...

Church is a great place to go for comfort!

Congrats on starting your blog!!

Roo said...

Church is a great place to find comfort and solace!

~Rachel from OCP

Sheila said...

OH Shelly! Hugs! Thank you for joining us in this challenge! I am glad that you have the encouragment from your church! You are pretty special, and I can't imagine you not having many real life friends. Praying for God to fill that void a bit!

Amanda said...

I totally understand, all of my friends are online. I wish I had a few IRL friends, but am truly happy with the online friends that I do have.

Anonymous said...

Great job with jumping in and starting with the challenges! You did GREAT! I think OCP is an awesome place of encouragement! I hope that you DO find peace there! Hugs to you!