Thursday, October 8, 2009


Well I've been trying to blog daily but I forgot
yesterday I went on a field trip with my son Jordan
yesterday and I was warn out when I got back home.
I made dinner and then I ended up getting a migraine
so needless to say I didn't have time to blog.

Today I feel a little better but not great.
I have so much I need to get done today cleaning wise
in the house.I also need to hide all of my 7 year olds
shorts so I don't have to fight with him every morning
like I had to today.LOL I can't convince him that short weather
is over for the year.


Chupsie said...

ahaha, your son sounds adorable! I just emptied out my daughter's closet yesterday, she is too young to argue with me but she did manage to hop into the laundry basket of old cloths by herself... I missed it too! well I hope you get everything accomplished! Yah for cleaning!

Heather & Chaos said...

That is so funny. Sounds like my 4 year old who didn't want to wear a jacket this morning. Luckily it was "only" 55 so I let him get away with it.

I hope the migraine is gone and you get done what you need to get done. I've had those days where I just was too busy to blog! You are doing great so far though! Keep it up!

One Pretty Little Box said...

Migraines suck! Hope you get to feeling back to 100% very soon! We don't put the shorts up round here until MAYBE December! LOL

Christine Jeske said...

Hope today is better and you get everything you need to done. Kids are stubborn about their clothes choices. My girl was wearing shorts and a puffy jacket to school yesterday. Fortunately, it is still short weather here in the afternoon. ;)

.... said...

Hope you are feeling better today!

I went through a little of that with my dd. Luckily, she has never really cared all that much about clothes so I've got it pretty easy.

She has been balking at putting away some tshirts & was really unhappy when we had to put some in the charity bag because she outgrew them. I dread the day she outgrows her Agent P shirt (Pineas & Ferb) because there will be a hissy fit, I'm sure. ;)

Have a great weekend!