Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My Vision Board

This is a challenge for GAG 2010 I had a hard time doing this
I am not crafty at all,my printer died and I went out and bought 2
magazines with all the money I had.I am not happy with what I came up
with but I think it will give you the idea.

Friday, October 1, 2010

First official GAG weigh in 2010

Okay this is the first official GAG weigh in,And I am gagging!
I weigh 5 more pounds this year then I did when I started last years gag
165 not really happy but going to try really hard to take it down.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Wow !It's been along time.

Didn't realize how long it had been since I blogged.I need to get back in the habit.
Looking forward to starting GAG 2010

Friday, November 6, 2009

We got a new puppy!

I know it didn't take long and we will always miss Oreo
and love her.But it was just so sad are other dog she is 2
was so sad and not eating and now she has a playmate
she is so happy and so are we.Are new puppy is 9 months
old and is a border collie mix she is already so loved
and a part of our family her name is Abie.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Very sad day today!

It's a very sad day today!I woke up this morning and went in to older son's room to wake him up and seen that our dog of 11 years had died she died in her sleep on his bed.I guess it was her time to go but that doesn't make it any easier to say good bye.
Please pray for our family like I said she was 11 and a big part of our family!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tuesday weigh in

Well it's Tuesday weigh in today I know it's a bye week!LOL
Can you tell I like football my team the Indianapolis Colts
we're on a bye week so I guess that's why I said that.Anyway
the challenge was to take a week off and not log our weigh
But i went ahead and weighed and I was up a 2 pounds I'm actually
excited because when I weighed I was fully dressed and I am not usually
so next week I'm hoping for a nice loss.(crossing fingers)
I would be doing much better if my whole household would get well I've
still got one sick kid so it makes it really hard to grocery shop or excercise
but I'm still doing alright.I will be doing much better once these Hostess Ding Dongs
are out of the house!LOL Really Well I'm done rambling now!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

What a week!

Wow what a week!Well my week started out last Monday when my youngest son got home from school saying he didn't feel well I think I mentioned that in my last post.Well the next day Tuesday he still didn't feel well so he stayed home well it just happened to be my middle son Jordan's birthday so we decide to go ahead and have Jordan's party had family over well after everyone left I was wiped out and Jordan didn't act like he felt well I took our temperature and the three of us had over 101.0 temp.Not fun.Next day add my oldest son to that and they all three stayed home!Lots of fun.Okay it is what they call Fall break here so they we're suppose to be out of school Thursday and Friday so my dh takes off and we are planning a mini vacation nope all 5 of us we're sick Thursday and Friday.Saturday morning we do get up and feel decent still slight fevers but we really wanted to do something so we drove two hours to Newport,Kentucky and went to the Newport aquarium we had a good time even though we we're pretty week we stayed in a motel in Cincinnati,Ohio and planned on getting up and going to the zoo but there was frost on the windows and fevers in three of us so we decided to come back home.Well tonight my oldest has 101.0 again so he will be staying home again.Please pray that we all get over this soon.